Season 1
The USS Alliance's illustrious first season! The year is 2375 and we begin just 6 months following the Dominion War.
Group Post Count: 38
Included Missions
Post Count: 17The USS Alliance arrives in orbit of Cardassia Prime to help with the post-war Aid effort.
S1E0 - Prologue
Post Count: 21
The USS Alliance was launched in 2371. Her initial role was scientific discovery, second contact missions and intelligence gathering in the immediate area surrounding the Gamma Quadrant exit of the Bajoran Wormhole.
As a result of increased tensions with the Dominion, the USS Alliance was reassigned to deep space listening and covert operations. In advanced of the mining of the wormhole by Captain Sisko, the Alliance was recalled to the Alpha Quadrant and participated in the actions of the Seventh Fleet. She saw combat throughout the Dominion War, partaking in the Battles of Chintoka, Operation Return and the final Battle for Cardassia.
During the Battle for Cardassia, the USS Alliance took heavy casualties and was rendered inoperable by enemy fire. She sacrificed the majority of the Senior Staff, leaving only the Chief of Security / Tactical Officer available to command the vessel.
The ship was recovered post battle and towed to the Fleet yard at Beta Antares in the Bajoran Sector. During that time, she was repaired and refitted and slated to engage in the post-War efforts.
Now, docked at Deep Space Nine, the USS Alliance is bringing onboard a fresh rotation of Senior Staff before departing for Cardassia Prime where it will lead 'Operation: New Dawn'.