PLOT LOG: Changing Times
Posted on Thu Sep 21st, 2023 @ 4:02pm by Captain Peter Nixon & Legate Tamarat & Rear Admiral Grace Fitzgerald & Colonel Kira Nerys & Adam Townsend
897 words; about a 4 minute read
S1E0 - Prologue
Location: Ward Room, Deep Space Nine
Timeline: 17:00 Hrs Station Time - Mission Day -5
The doors to Deep Space Nine's wardroom slid open, with the hydraulic sound that was distinctive to Cardassian technology, allowing Captain Peter Nixon to cross the threshold from adjacent corridor. He immediately felt tense. The last time Peter had entered this room was for the memorial service for the personnel lost during the Battle For Cardassia a little over 6 months earlier, which included his immediate predecessors onboard the USS Alliance.
The dark, brown, yellow and green industrial architecture of the Cardassian built station did nothing to lift his mood. As he strode across the large curved room to the main meeting table, he took a moment to capture the faces of those already seated there. A cadre of junior Starfleet, Cardassian and Bajoran officers flanked either side of the rooms perimeter while the table itself only had 3 people occupying its chairs. Nixon recognised Rear Admiral Grace Fitzgerald the recently appointed Starfleet Commander of the Bajoran Sector. The second he recognised was that of Adam Townsend, the Federation's newly appointed Ambassador to Cardassia.
However, the final face he did not recognise. The Cardassian wore the uniform of a Legate in the Cardassia's Central Command.
"Admiral, reporting as ordered," he nodded to the Senior Officer before taking his seat.
"Captain, thank you for joining us." the Admiral greeted him with her broad Irish accent. "This is Legate Tamarat and Ambassador Townsend." she indicated to them both. Legate Tamarat was young for such a high ranking officer. Young by Federation standards and exceptionally young by Cardassian standards. If Peter didn't know better, he'd have thought the Legate has just passed out of the Cardassian Military Academy.
"We'll try to keep this as short as possible," the Admiral continued with only the slightest of pauses. As she spoke a holographic display popped up in the middle of the table, projecting a rotating image of Cardassia Prime.
The Legate shifted in his seat at the depiction of his home planet, he began to speak, "As you will be aware, Cardassia was decimated when the Dominion turned their weapons on my people at the end of the war. As a result, there is a massive food supply crisis, multiple health epidemics and in some places crime is rampant."
The Legate sounded genuinely exasperated and concerned about what was happening on the ground. Nixon who had been looking at the Legate intently at this point, to the Admiral, to the Ambassador and back to the Admiral, "I've seen the reports coming in from the FNN Reporters on the ground. It is truly terrible what has happened to your people." he shot a look at the Stations Commander to gauge her reaction.
"Starfleet is co-ordinating a massive aid program. The USS Alliance will escort the Legate and Ambassador back to Cardassia, where it will then lead on the reconstruction of La'kal City. Specifically with the building of a new hospital in the City's outer district." the Admiral interjected.
"The Alliance is not currently equipped to build a hospital, Admiral", the Captain almost sounded irritated, "She's barely out of shakedown following her post-battle repairs, and has a relatively inexperienced cr-", he didn't get to finish his sentence as the Admiral raised her hand.
"The Corp of Engineers are already onsite and have brought all the equipment required. While there is a see-oh-ee CO on site, they can only manage the construction process. You will be required to manage the wider aid programme, including helping the local forces secure the city." The Admiral stated matter of factly.
Nixon was astonished. How could they think that a single starship could provide security for a city, construct a hospital and provide medical aid simultaneously. "Yes. Ma'am." he responded.
The Ambassador, who had remained silent until this point spoke up. "This mission is of vital importance to the rebuilding effort Captain and will go a long way to solidify post-war relations with the Cardassian people. We have an opportunity here to pave the way for a new ally to be rise from the embers the Dominion left in their wake."
"I understand Ambassador. We'll endeavour to do our best." As Nixon spoke a yeoman presented him with a PADD, which he accepted and then raised in a slight point back towards the Admiral, "Our orders I presume?"
Nixon skimmed the PADD with relative speed. He considered protesting the orders with the Admiral again, but thought better of it. While he didn't think the ship was ready for this mission, he couldn't deny the need for it. He of course had secondary concerns, which he hadn't voiced, specifically about the deposition of the crew, and their feelings towards returning to Cardassia and assisting a people who until just 6 months ago where there waging what could be described as a war of attrition against the Federation.
"The Alliance will leave in 5 days. You're dismissed Captain", Nixon's studying of the PADD was halted by the Admirals dismal. He stood from his seat in response and nodded back at the Captain.
"Aye Admiral. Mr Ambassador, Legate Tamarat. I'll make arrangements for your onboarding. The Executive Officer, once they've reported in, can make arrangements for your arrival and the Chief the Boat and the Security Chief will arrange any logistics required." He nodded once again, "Excuse me." he spoke a final time before turning on his heel and exiting along the same path he entered.