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Posted on Mon Dec 11th, 2023 @ 9:36pm by Captain Peter Nixon & Lieutenant Irril Sharvo & Lieutenant Victoria Mason & Lieutenant T'Laan & Lieutenant Jennifer Richardson M.D. & Lieutenant Halli Bann & Lieutenant Tana Marshall & Lieutenant Alinar Vasatra & Legate Tamarat & Adam Townsend

1,250 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Nightingale
Location: Main Bridge, USS Alliance
Timeline: Mission Day 1 - 18:00 Hours

The bridge of the USS Alliance was thronged full of people. The Captain, who was sitting in his designated chair took a glimpse over his right shoulder. The Chief Engineer and Chief Tactical Officer's had taken up their positions at their designated stations, over his left shoulder the Chief Operations Officer was at his, and to the Executive Officer's left the Science Officer manned her station.

He glimpsed down to the Helm console, and gave a nod to the awaiting Flight Controller. "Mr Vasatra, signal Station Operations, advise them that we are ready to depart. Operations, prepare to detach umbilical's and bring the warp core to full readiness."

It took Peter a few minutes to fully realise the potential significance of this moment. It was the first time post-war, post-rebuilding that the USS Alliance was to launch on a mission of peace. Not only that, but with one of their former enemies sitting on the bridge as an honoured guest. To his immediate right sat Legate Tamarat, one of the highest ranking officers left in the Cardassian military, and on the other side of the curved command seating area sat the Federation's Ambassador to the very same peoples.

Halli sat at a rear console. Counselors were usually unnecessary for Bridge duty, but the Captain had made it crystal clear that ALL hands meant ALL hands, so here she was. She could also do diplomatic work in her role, so perhaps he wanted her for that. She didn't know, and she wasn't one to ask. Quietly, she watched the goings-on around her. It was always fun to watch a launch-but also nerve wracking!

Alinar acknowledged the order from the captain and began to quietly contact the station onto which they were attached. The captain was still ordering/speaking to other members of the bridge crew so he didn't feel the need to verbally reply other than an "aye sir."

Operations Manager Irril Sharvo had silently taken his station at the Operations console at the rear of the Bridge. Normally, for a Bajoran, seeing a Cardassian would be a point of consternation. For Sharvo is was a mixed bag. He had grown up with his father serving the Cardassian government on Bajor as a Magistrate and been afforded a lot of opportunity because of it. To others, the Cardassians were vipers deserving death and destruction.

Mason had just completed a check of all tactical systems and ran the latest diagnostic’s. All systems were go. As she brought the long range scanners on line, she figured it was time to take a look and see what was out there on the horizon. Whatever she found couldn’t be any more strange than what she saw on the bridge right now, with the presence of a Cardassian on the bridge.

“All Tactical systems are green Captain.” She reported instinctively.

Tana stood near the rear of the bridge, near tactical but staying out of Mason’s way as she worked. Despite Intelligence having little functionality on the bridge at times like this, she suspected this was a personal preference for the captain, given the amount of excitement and pride she sensed from the captain and Federation ambassador.

Marshall knew trying to read the emotions of a Cardassian was meaningless so she didn’t bother and instead focused on staying out of the way.

"All science labs are secure and ready for departure, Captain. Sensors are at standard working parameters." T'Laan said from her station. The Captain gave her a visible thumbs up from his position.

Irril listened as the checklists were called out around him. He checked the status of the ship's power systems and crew. He called out, "All decks report ready."

Mason stood ready, at tactical formulating a plan for the up coming mission. It would not be easy, but thankfully there were two other ships contributing to the mission which should help tremendously.

"Well then," he raised his arm, and gave an affirmative motion towards the bow of the ship, "Helm, take us out. When we clear the Station's control area, plot a course for the Cardassian border. T'Sal, let's kick it to high warp whenever you're ready."

Halli remained quiet, but registered that they were headed for Cardassia Prime. She made a note to check in with any Cardassians and Bajorans aboard, just in case. She quietly stood. "If I am not immediately needed, sir, I'll be in my office," she said.

"Noted Counsellor. If you could be on hand to assist the Ambassador later today, that would be useful." He nodded to her as she made her way to the Turbolift.

Halli nodded. "Yes, sir, I will be on standby. I will be prepared to do that. Thank you." She saluted gently, and then hurried away to prepare some files, a meeting room, and some refreshments. She could definitely handle diplomatic duties-she liked that sort of thing, as it stretched her abilities and made her learn new things.

The Intrepid Class USS Alliance pushed back from its berthing to Deep Space Nine and rotated to its new heading, in a smooth singular motion. If there had been an atmosphere, you'd have described it as a glide.

As the ship passed the inner modules of the station, she headed out on a course that would take her out of the Bajoran star system and into deep space. Streaking along parallel paths, to either side of the Starship, a volley of photonic torpedos sped past the ship. As they crossed in front of the Alliance's path, they detonated in a series of bright beautiful explosions. A photonic fireworks display.

Onboard ship, the ships intercom engaged, and a familiar voice could be head, "Captain Nixon, Commander Wallace-Shaw and the crew of the USS Alliance. This is Colonel Kira. From everyone here on Deep Space Nine. Welcome back to the fleet!"


Tana quietly smiled to herself at the fireworks and send off. The feeling of pride that came with being an officer ran through her system as she quietly took in the spectacle.

Bright as they were Alinar never understood the need for fireworks. Always seemed like a waste of a torpedo casing but he knew some liked them so didn't overly judge.

Departing DS9 was at time challenging due to the amount of ships that buzzed around it. Alinar changed course a few times to avoid a few collisions and took them out beyond the station and turned to the captain. "Plot set sir. You give me the go ahead and we'll get our girl there."

The Captain nodded towards the Helms man. "Kick it."

Jennifer stood to the side having come to the bridge at the the point at which the display started. She recognise the irony of the situation; a ship back in operations, set for a maiden voyage of such; and herself back after an absence. A smile touched the woman's lips as she picked up on the palpable excitement across the crew.

"With pleasure." Alinar said softly as his hands glided over his console. It was like riding a bike, albeit on a much larger scale, you just don't forget how. He could do nothing but smile as the ship powered up, the nacelle's locked up in their favourite position and then with a slight flash on the viewscreen, they were at warp.

Halli remained on the bridge, settling back down in an empty Ops chair. She was on hand to advise as they moved forward.


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